I have
seen the extended versions of The Two Towers and Return of the
King, and feel in general that the films gain much by the extended
content. Particularly ROTK, which in the heavily chopped
theatrical release reminded me of the "final cut" scene from the
excellent "The
15-minute Hamlet".
most of the additions to TTT, which I had already come to feel
was the finest of the 3 films. However, there were one or two
that I felt were slightly klunky. "Wow, a Dunedain! You must be
80 years old!" "Yup."
less happy overall with ROTK, even with the additions, some of
which seemed very poorly thought-out indeed.
it was gratifying to have the "Saruman Question" settled
definitively, but the scene itself was an almost complete plonk.
I would have much preferred:
To ditch Legolas' gratuitous arrow,
Saruman dying by
Grima's hand alone
Grima jumping off the tower in despair, or being thrown
by a dying Saruman
The Palantir dropping from the top of the tower, rather
than ridiculously from the hand of Saruman's mysteriously unflattened
A grand and impressive death for Saruman, staff broken,
gasping his last atop the tower, then shriveling away as in the book,
with some sort of spectre appearing for a moment and/or a Sauron-style
implosion effect
peeves (some from the additional scenes, some not):
The "avalanche of skulls" was just
Orcs crossing the river in secret, but with torches
lit? Snerf!
The Witch-King of Angmar breaking Gandalf's staff?
Dude, no way!
Denethor was treated very shabbily indeed... a
disagreeable cardboard-cutout crank. At the very end, he reminded
me of his counterpart in the Harvard
Lampoon's "Bored of the Rings"...
"bound, stabbed, strangled, and jumped out of a window while on fire...
clearly a suicide", or somesuch. Therefore I had a
hard time not smirking at the "flaming plunge". I would have
liked to have seen Denethor played by George C Scott, and with better
writing... not possible, sadly.
Much too much mooning, moaning and grunting in the
Frodo/Sam/Gollum scenes. Minutes of that could have been cut.
Elrond at the end looked like someone's tearful auntie at
a wedding. Dude, get some dignity!
Where was Denethor's Palantir? And while I was glad
to see Aragorn take a crack at Saruman's Palantir himself, I was
disappointed not to see him wrest control of it as in the book, and use
it to look where he wished (**)
Galadriel's wordless, perky "well, guess I'd better get
on the boat now!" smirky thing at the end. What the heck was
particularly liked in ROTK (I DID like most of it, despite the
restoral of "The Mouth of
Sauron" in the extended
version. Nasty!
The portrayal of Sauron as a
flaming "Jacob's Ladder"
sort of thing
The lighting of the beacons,
and the music that went with
The "Rohan" theme with the
amplified violin
Eowyn and Faramir, together at
last, in the extended
The extended scenes in Mordor
with Frodo and Sam among
the orcs
The casting, the casting, the
casting. Absolutely
Gollum looks like one of those
"goofy, slightly sinister
smart aleck" images from 1910 on which Alfred
E Neuman was based.
The great graphics... almost
goes without saying.
"Extended Version"... If
you have ever listened to the soundtrack
album for "Monty Python
and the Holy Grail", think "Executive Version". If you have
DVD set, does a voice come on at the beginning of disk 2, shouting
rudely, "THIS IS DISK TWO!!" ? Maybe you had to be
may have occurred to those of us in IT that the Palantiri, not
to mention the Rings themselves, demonstrate the perils of an absent or
poorly thought out security infrastructure. Talk about being